


“For the hero…is himself the navel of the world, the umbilical point through which the energies of eternity break into time.”  – Joseph Campbell 

All of us, when we step into the role of hero, become the entry point for the energies of eternity.  Whether we’re reaching through and calling forth those energies as artists, showing our particular vision of the world, or as individuals experiencing our own unique quest, we all have a place in connecting to and expressing our perception of the grander reality.

As an artist, I look for the inherent beauty in materials to find the unusual or unseen.  I want to reveal the connections we miss in passing or the depths of our common reality that we ignore.  I want to reveal the beauty that’s all around us in ways we haven’t seen before.

In my art, I bring this to the physical world with metal, glass, and wood or charcoal, pencil, and acrylic.  I weld and fuse, saw and sand, draw and paint to give voice to the forms that want to emerge.

As an individual, I look for that same hidden beauty in experiences and emotions, in  joys and challenges.  I’ve seen the connections and scaled the depths and want to bring back those discoveries to help others who haven’t had the chance or the tools to find them.

I bring these ideas together in the process I call “Journey Map.”  I self-published it in book form in 2013, but I’ve recently expanded the idea into an online workshop I call, “Journey Map: The Way of the Heart.”  In the workshop, I guide you deep into the labyrinth of your interior wild, leading you to become your own hero.  

The book only is available through me so, if you’d like to buy one, please go to my Market page.

To find out more about Journey Map and courses, go to:

Or, you can go straight to the online course to learn more about it at:
